Heal + Create Member Session

Herbal Support for Anxiety and Sleep with Susan Wolfe

Herbal Support for Anxiety and Sleep with Susan Wolfe

Anxiety, stress, and poor sleep are just the worst, and yet so common in our societies. Sensitive creatives have to be especially careful to protect ourselves from the exhausting reality of our world today. Meditation, Daily Routines, Sleep Hygiene, and the sensible use of medicinal Herbs, can all help us to reduce anxiety, get deeper and more refreshing sleep, and be able to bring our best energy to our creative lives.

Join me on Sunday March 17th to learn about safe, helpful herbs and small changes you can make to feel more rested, calm, and vibrant in your daily life!

Please bring your questions, as we will have time for a Q&A at the end of class. Please remember that Herbalists are legally not able to diagnose or treat any illness. We are educators on traditional and modern uses of herbs.

Susan Wolfe is a Clinical Herbalist with 25 years experience. She is trained in Western Herbalism, Ayurvedic Herbalism, and Green/Wisewoman Herbalism. Having lived for many years with Anxiety, C-PTSD, and Chronic Pain and Fatigue, she is eager to share what she has learned about how to heal with the safe and effective use of herbs, supplements, and lifestyle changes. She is passionate about helping everyone bring forth their best self into the world.

Session Details

Date & Time

Sunday March 17, 2024

2:00 pm
(Central Time Zone)

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