Heal + Create Member Session

New Year’s Eve Gathering

New Year’s Eve Gathering

As the year 2023 comes to a close, Jacob Nordby is inviting you to our virtual New Year’s Eve gathering—a moment for reflection and rediscovery. It’s an invitation to honor the tapestry of growth and experiences woven throughout this passing year, holding them with the gentle embrace of gratitude.

Envision an intimate space, where narratives intertwine, guided visualizations unfold, and the art of journaling is reinforced as a sacred ritual—a cocoon of contemplation to seed intentions for the forthcoming year. Harmonize your dreams with the authentic melody of your soul, paving the way for 2024 to emerge as a mosaic of breakthroughs. In this shared sanctuary, step into the new year with purpose, embracing the enchantment that awaits.

Join us here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83683271113?pwd=QktrR1RvUVoyYlk0R25JNFFpMGxodz09


Session Details

Date & Time

Sunday December 31, 2023

2:00 pm
(Central Time Zone)

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